5. What if my digital copy code insert is missing or my digital copy code is not redeeming correctly?

First, please verify that your purchase includes a digital copy code, usually called out in the front or back of the packaging. If your purchase did include a digital copy code, please check that you are entering the correct characters; some letters and numbers look similar and use of incorrect characters may be causing the error message. For example, B vs. 8, S vs. 5, 0 vs. O, I vs. 1 and W vs. VV. Please check the insert for further details.

If you are still receiving an “Invalid Code” or any other error message, please contact us for assistance.

Please include the following information:

  • Your name, email-address, country of purchase.
  • Was your code misplaced, missing / illegible or invalid?
  • If your code was invalid, what is your invalid code?
  • The UPC number located under the barcode on the original manufacturer packaging.
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